Best doTERRA VS Young Living Essential Oils Business Training
A part time or full time essential oil business can allow you to diversify your income, earn as you learn, set your own hours, and work from home (or anywhere in the world)
A part time or full time essential oil business can allow you to diversify your income, earn as you learn, set your own hours, and work from home (or anywhere in the world)
What is the truth when it comes to Young Living Essential Oils and Founder Gary Young? There’s a lot of misinformation and half truths out there, but it’s time you heard the cold hard facts so you can make a more educated decision.
Young Living does not guarantee any income or rank success. I created a number of videos that covers the different ranks and each income associated with that as well so you can get the full scoop on what opportunities are available.
Are doTERRA distributors guilty of any of these “mistakes” above? Sure! Heck, am “I” guilty of any of these? Yes! But awareness and honesty are key, especially since I get so many comments on my YouTube channel where I see consistent patterns in thinking (aka group think).
Young Living essential oils got fined $760,000 for sourcing rosewood and spikenard oils illegally. Although they voluntarily admitted wrongdoing and now have a compliance plan in place, it still doesn’t change what happened in the past and it draws into question what other things haven’t reached the surface yet.
Kristy if you are reading this, I want you to know that although this video was more on the funny side, I still gots love for you gurl and if I saw you in person there would be no hard feelings.
doTERRA and Young Living have a lot of lovers and a lot of haters. It’s very important to make sure you are presenting fact based information when representing each company. If you are new to essential oils or either company then making sure you go with someone that you know, like, and trust will be absolutely critical to make sure you have the most positive experience.
Some valid points were made, but this comes down to making sure we have all the facts, accurate facts, and that we are interpreting both of those accurately in order to come to an accurate conclusion about anything. Accuracy and being fact based with the information that is available should always be the main focus.
With the trial closed and the verdict issued that doTERRA was innocent of any wrongdoing, the next issue at hand is the top 6 factors mentioned above. You want to work with, buy from, and ultimately be a part of a company that is focused on transparency, equal pay for equal work, and telling the TRUTH at all times from the Founder(s) since leadership and culture trickles down. doTERRA was and continues to be that company for me and I’m glad to be a part of such a high integrity and quality focused company.
At the end of the day, haters are gonna hate and there’s nothing you can do about it. Haters don’t consider themselves haters more often than not and have very valid points however they typically lack self-awareness, lack having all the facts (from both sides), lack accurate facts, or lack the ability to interpret the items above objectively. This causes them to come to false conclusions which isn’t healthy for anyone.