How Do Essential Oils Work?

How Do Essential Oils Work

This question comes in from Donna and she asks, “How do essential oils work?” I’d be happy to answer this for you! Watch the video below to see my response.

How Do Essential Oils Work

Did You Know?

Essential oils are the immune system of the plant that you can apply to your own immune system to boost your health!


The Main Problem That We All Face

Have you wondered, “How do essential oils work?”


You’re not alone! Check out how essential oils work with your immune system below.


How Do Essential Oils Work Exactly?

1.) Cellular support: Essential oils are able to pass through the cell membrane of your trillions of cells to address threats on the outside of your cells as well.How Do Essential Oils Work


2.) No resistance: Your body doesn’t build up a resistance to essential oils. With other options, I need to take more and more just to get the same result over time.


High quality essential oils work the same way every time.


3.) No toxicity: When you get Certified Pure essential oils and use 1-2 drops at a time, you are boosting your immune system and you can also be detoxing!


Citrus oils like lemon are great for detoxing your liver, kidneys, lymphatics, and bladder.



In Summary

Essential oils are a form of powerful plant based healthcare that have been used for thousands of years and address issues and root causes on a cellular level.


They can help boost your immune system (strengthens the good guys) instead of weakening the good AND bad guys within you. 


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
Essential oil class


P.S. Email me at if you have trouble viewing this page or have any questions.


Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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