Interview With Lance of Essential Oils Me in Las Vegas, Nevada (Part 2)

Essential Oils Me in Las Vegas

Tag team back again! I had an awesome time being in the “hot seat” with this interview with Angela from Twerk N Tone Inc. Watch the video on Essential Oils Me in Las Vegas to learn more.

Did You Know?

I started my instagram account in November 2014 and have been able to see it grow from about 600 people to a little over 8000 in just that short amount of time. I love sharing information with people and am super excited to see what the future brings.


The Main Problem That We All Face

Have you ever been shy or scared to do public speaking or get in front the camera? Me too! After doing a lot of presentations in college, Corporate America, Toastmasters, and teaching classes locally I’ve had some time to really hone in on my improvement opportunities and now I love doing them!


Top 5 Questions of Essential Oils Me in Las Vegas

1.) What was the biggest thing to happen to you in 2015? Growing both of my instagram accounts (Essential Oils Me & Tropical Smoothie Guy) to what they are now was so cool to see. I’ve learned so much along the way that I can’t wait to see what the next year brings! 😀Essential Oils Me in Las Vegas


2.) What was your most surprising accomplishment this year? Creating about 40+ videos in a row for 40 days was very surprising for me. I didn’t know that I could even crank out that much in such a short amount of time.


I actually have enough content now for 90+ more videos and am waiting to release them! Woot woot!


3.) What was the most challenging thing you’ve faced this year? I have had a lot of response from people locally and online that the follow ups have seemed overwhelming at times. However, my goal is and always has been to make sure I get back with everyone that I possibly can (even if it’s a few days or weeks after they’ve left the comment, sorry if that’s you!).


4.) What was the easiest thing you made progress in? Editing photos has been really fun and my previous background in Corporate America actually paid off. 😉 Who woulda thunk it?


5.) How do you feel now? I feel really empowered. Not using any synthetic drugs at all for my sinuses and skin complexion has been a blessing beyond words.


In Summary

I am super thankful to have the opportunity to share essential oils locally and online with people all over the world. It’s so cool to see how information that is relevant and timely can change lives!


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
Lance's Free 4 Part Training Course Right Arrow


P.S. Email me at if you have trouble viewing this page or have any questions.


Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



Lance McGowan Signature Pic 2










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