Awesome Live Blood Cell Analysis With Bemer Pro || Reaction Video

bemer pro

This live blood analysis was really cool to see and helped show why getting your circulation on point is so important.

bemer pro


Did You Know?

Life lies in the blood and knowing where you are at with a live blood analysis can help you visualize what’s really going on a cellular level. This awesome live blood analysis and Bemer session was done with two experts on the subject, Maryanne Klingenberg with See My Cells and Malee Simpson with Bemer. 


The Main Problem That We All Face

When you’re blood gets clumpy or is surrounded by unfriendly micro-organisms your heart and immune system have to work harder than normal just to keep things in balance.


The Natural Solution

  • A live blood analysis can help show you what’s really going on and what solutions could help you
  • Bemer helps with improving general blood flow to get things moving again so your cells can become more efficient at their job



Top 3 Benefits Of Using The Bemer Pro

1.) Improves nutrients into cells: When you are eating right, using whole plant food supplements, and hydrating properly then this process will also be greatly improved. You’ve probably heard the saying, garbage in, garbage out!


2.) Improves oxygen into cells: When your cells are moving and blood flow is increased then your cells will get the oxygen they need to operate optimally in your body. When your red blood cells are working more productively, then your mind, organs, and rest of your body becomes more productive too!


3.) Improves cellular waste removal: When things stay stagnant then that’s when waste starts to pile up and accumulate in your blood vessels (think landfill). Bemer helps with improving circulation so your organs of elimination can get that stuff filtered out.


How To Use Bemer Therapy For Best Results

1.) Alkaline water: Drinking at least half your body weight in ounces each day is going to be a good starting goal. This will also help with blood flow, but the Bemer really helps to get things moving and drinking enough water each day will make sure that your lymphatic system can get things cleared out properly.


2.) Eat more live whole plant foods: These include more greens, fruits, and vegetables so that your body can repair an regenerate from the inside out. Choosing organic, non-GMO, and 60-80% raw plant foods is ideal. Doing green smoothies, soups, salads, and healthy main dishes and desserts using recipes is the key to success!


3.) Cut out or eliminate processed foods: These foods are very acidic and do not promote a healthy environment within your body. In fact, they actually destroy your endocrine system which controls your metabolism, appetite, and hormones.


In Summary

Even if you think you are “healthy” you could still have a lot of stuff in your blood that you didn’t expect, I know that’s true for me! Combing a live blood analysis and Bemer therapy are a great way to improve your blood flow, increase nutrient absorption, increase oxygen absorption, and remove cellular waste.


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
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Your Essential Oils Guide,

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