Excellent Toilet Bowl Cleaner That’s All Natural

toilet bowl cleaner

I was cleaning my bathroom with this crazy good cleaner and am happy that I made the switch by replace my other products with natural solutions using essential oils. ???

This is a great natural toilet bowl cleaner that is great for the environment, you, and your bathroom!

toilet bowl cleaner

What’s great is that they clean surfaces, purify the air, and have been a great solution for my toilet too!??

I like to put about 2 tbl sp of the On Guard Cleaner concentrate plus 3 drops of purify and then scrub my toilet.?

This cleans all that nasty gunk on the sides really well and takes care of all those pesky bugs too (yay!). The aroma smells so fresh and so clean instead of making my head feel dizzy like with the stuff I used to use before using essential oils.??

Natural cleaning is definitely the way to go!


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
Lance's Free 4 Part Training Course Right Arrow


P.S. Email me at essentialoilsme@gmail.com if you have trouble viewing this page or have any questions.


Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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