Magnificent doTERRA VS Young Living Compensation Plan

doterra vs young living compensation plan

The doTERRA VS Young Living Compensation Plan analysis helps you see how each company is similar and different when it comes to earning income.

doterra vs young living compensation plan


Did You Know?

There are 5 main ways to earn income with doTERRA and Young Living when you do them as a part time or full time business. Helping people with their health and quality of life should be the #1 priority and the income is a side effect. 


The Main Problem That We All Face

Do you know someone that is open to earning part time or full time income with essential oils? Would you like to learn more about residual income and how to help a lot of people with their health? 


Top 5 Ways To Earn With The doTERRA Compensation Plan

1.) Fast Start Bonus*: Paid weekly on new enrollee volume for their first 60 days. Enroller must have 100 PV Loyalty Rewards Order to receive this enroller bonus
– Personal Enrollment: Earns 20% of purchase point value
– 2nd Level Enroller: Earns 10% of purchase point value
– 3rd Level Enroller: Earns 5% of purchase point value
*For first 2 months


2.) Power of 3 Bonus: Paid monthly and each of the 3 people under you needs 100+PV LRP. Each team needs 600 Total Volume (TV) to receive this sponsor bonus
– Earn $50 when 3 people follow the process above
– Earn $250 when the 3 people under them follow the process above
– Earn $1500 when the 3 people under them follow the process above


3.) Unilevel Bonus: Paid monthly on team volume outside the Fast Start bonus window (member’s first 60 days). Get paid 7 levels deep! See the doTERRA & Young Living Unilevel Comp Plan video for more details.


4.) Leadership Bonus Pool: This is for Premiers & Above and is paid monthly. 6% of global profits divided among leadership ranks.


5.) Retail Commission: Earn 25% of the difference between retail and wholesale.


Learn more about the doTERRA Compensation Plan


The doTERRA Oil Blends Best With

1.) Fast Start & Start Living Bonus is good for the first 3 months.
-Personal Enrollments: Earn 25% of the purchase point value up to $200
-2nd Level Enroller: Earn 10% of the purchase point value up to $80

– Start Living Bonus: You can earn a one time $25 cash bonus for new, personally enrolled distributors who order a Premium Starter Kit (Basic Kits do not qualify)


2.) Rising Star Team Bonus: This bonus applies to Executive & below as a way to reward them for building their business.


3.) Unilevel & Generation Bonus:
– Watch the Young Living Unilevel and Generations video to learn more


4.) Leadership Bonus Pool: This is good for Silvers & Above and you earn a percentage off of the global profits.


5.) Retail Commission: Earn 24% of the difference between retail and wholesale.


Learn more about the Young Living Compensation Plan


In Summary

Money as a motivator has been poo pooed in society, but when you help enough people get what they want, then you can have what you want. This means focusing on service and helping people when they are ready, NOT just sales. 


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
Lance's Free 4 Part Training Course Right Arrow


P.S. Email me at if you have trouble viewing this page or have any questions.


Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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