Outstanding doTERRA VS Aura Cacia Essential Oils Overview

doterra vs aura cacia essential oils

This doTERRA VS Aura Cacia essential oil comparison will help you learn how each company is similar and the differences that can affect your experience.

doterra vs aura cacia essential oils


Did You Know?

There are many different essential oil brands out there but Aura Cacia is one of the most common brands that you’ll see at Whole Foods or Sprouts, but does that mean it’s the best? Read below to see all the factors to consider.


The Main Problem That We All Face

Do you know someone that is for or against doTERRA or Aura Cacia? Would you like to learn more about both companies so you can make a more educated purchasing decision? Make sure to watch the video below to learn more!


Top 6 doTERRA VS Aura Cacia Factors To Consider

1.) Service: Free Education AND Personalized Support
doTERRA offers you the opportunity to go with someone that you know, like, and trust be doing your own research which can help you have a more positive and personalized experience.


Aura Cacia just offers an overview of the essential oils on their website and a customer support line like most other companies.


2.) Quality: 3rd Party Tested for Purity AND Safety
doTERRA uses a number of testing such as Organoleptic testing, Microbial testing, Gas chromatography, Mass spectrometry, and a number of other tests to verify quality is beyond organic.


Aura Cacia mentioned that they do sensory evaluation, optical rotation and specific gravity, and gas chromatography (GC) testing for every oil, but that was it.


3.) Quality: Essential Oils Approved for Internal Use
doTERRA allows for internal use and follows the GRAS standard set by the FDA. There will be a supplement facts on the bottle if it is approved for internal use.


Aura Cacia does not allow for internal use of any of their oils for the regular or organic product lines, which is a red flag.


4.) Quality: Verifiable Batch Number on Bottle
doTERRA allows you to test each bottle batch number on Sourcetoyou.com and see a GCMS report to verify the quality claims.


Aura Cacia does not have a way to verify the bottle batch number on the bottle or website at this time to compare the brands apples to apples.


5.) Price: Retail AND Wholesale Options Available
doTERRA offers retail and wholesale options. You can become a retail customer, wholesale customer, or wellness advocate depending on what your health and career goals are.


Aura Cacia just operates from a retail based business model and offers their oils primarily in grocery stores like Whole Foods and Sprouts.


6.) Price: Loyalty Rewards Program Available
doTERRA offers a generous loyalty rewards program where you can get 25-55% off retail, get your shipping reimbursed, and get a free product of the month for any 125 point order.


Aura Cacia allows you to become an Associate member and get a 10% discount and a 5% rebate for a one time charge of $10.


In Summary

Price is only one factor when considering which essential oil company to go with or stay with. Other factors such as service and quality should be equally rated since all those have an effect on one another and your overall experience in the short term and long term.


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
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P.S. Email me at essentialoilsme@gmail.com if you have trouble viewing this page or have any questions.


Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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