Amazing doTERRA Malaysia Home Essentials Kit Overview

doterra malaysia home essentials kit

The doTERRA Home Essentials kit comes with fractionated coconut oil if you live in Malaysia and is a great way to take your health to the next level!

doterra malaysia home essentials kit


Did You Know?

The home essentials kit comes with a fractionated coconut oil if you live in Malaysia and is great way to get started with natural solutions for yourself and your family!


The Main Problem That We All Face

Do you know someone that is open to natural solutions and would like to get started with essential oils? Do you live in Malaysia and are looking for an option that will empower yourself and family with your health priorities? Make sure to watch the video below to learn how to do just that!


Top 12 Solutions With The Home Essentials Kit

– Breathe: This helps to open up your airways and reduce the effect of seasonal threats during different times of the year.


– DigestZen: This helps support healthy digestive function, reduce upset stomach, and relieve occasional indigestion.


– Frankincense: This promotes health cellular proliferation, healthy inflammatory response, and balances your mood.


– Lavender: This helps to relieve stress and promote a better night’s rest.


– Lemon: This is great for detoxifying your liver and kidneys and creating a more positive mood.


– On Guard: This helps to support your immune system and relieve a scratchy throat when you start to get a little under the weather.


– Oregano: This helps to kick the bad guys out of your gut and supports a healthy immune system on top of being great for savory dishes like pastas!


– Peppermint: This helps to open up your airways, freshens your breath, and cools you down on a hot day.


– Tea Tree: Also known as Melaleuca oil, this is great for helping you with your skin and cleansing it after a boo boo or ouchie occurs.


– Deep Blue: This helps you with relieving achy muscles and joints and helps you move quicker and better.


– Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO): This helps the essential oils absorb better topically, reduces the chance of irritation, and moisturizes your skin.


– Petal Diffuser: This helps to clean the air and uplift your mood when you add your favorite oils and water together.


In Summary

The home essentials kit helps you be prepared for life’s little emergencies by having natural solutions within arm’s reach that are safe and effective for you and your whole family. I love this kit because it’s like liquid empowerment in a bottle and works amazingly with my health priorities!


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
Lance's Free 4 Part Training Course Right Arrow


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Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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