doTERRA Lemongrass Essential Oil Uses

doterra lemongrass essential oil

doTERRA lemongrass essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves and helps with joint and muscles and also serves as an insect repellent!

doterra lemongrass essential oil


Did You Know?

Lemongrass essential oil is used in different industries for the synthesis of vitamin A. Who woulda thunk it?


The Main Problem That We All Face

Do you know someone that would like to uplevel their cooking game or is looking for joint, muscle, tendon, and ligament support? Lemongrass is the oil for you then!


Top 3 Uses Of Lemongrass Essential Oil

1.) Add 1 drop lemongrass with 1 drop each of deep blue and frankincense for extra tight muscles and joints. This type of “layering” combined with a hot compress technique is very effective!


2.) Substitute 1 drop per 1 tbl sp fresh lemongrass for savory entrees and dishes. I love using lemongrass oil in my cooking!


3.) Diffuse 2 drops of each in 8 hour diffuser; lemongrass, peppermint, basil, and ginger. This is come great aromatherapy and makes me a little hungry too for some reason, lol. 


doTERRA Lemongrass Essential Oil Blends Best With

1.) Basil essential oil: Basil is a great oil for culinary purposes and pairs nicely with lemongrass for more flava in the kicthen!


2.) Ginger essential oil: Ginger is great in teas, salad dressings, green smoothies, and goes great with lemongrass in a 4 hour or 8 hour diffuser!


3.) Peppermint essential oil: Good ole peppy is good for so many things that I don’t have enough time to mention them all! I will mention one though, which is the fact that it helps with digestion and goes well with lemongrass in their area with warm water.


In Summary

doTERRA lemongrass essential oil is electrifying, regenerating, and purifying to your bodies cells. Lemongrass oil blends well with basil, ginger, peppermint.


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
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Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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