doTERRA Lavender Essential Oil Uses

doterra lavender essential oil

doTERRA lavender essential oil is steam distilled from the flowers and has many benefits for your skin, mood, and sleep.


doterra lavender essential oil

Did You Know?

Lavender means “to wash” in Latin and is likely the most used essential oil globally. This is for good reason, as it serves in all things calming (stress is worldwide yo)!


The Main Problem That We All Face

Do you know someone that would like a natural solution for seasonal threats or a more restful night’s sleep? Do you want something that can help you with your stress levels? Lavender is on the way!


Top 3 Uses Of Lavender Essential Oil

1.) Add 3-5 drops in a 4 hour diffuser. Combine with one of the 3 oils below for more therapeutic benefits.


2.) Add 1-2 drops in palms of your hands, cup your hands, then breathe in deeply to reduce stress and worry.


3.) Apply 1-2 drops to skin with 1 tbl sp of fractionated coconut oil to moisturize skin. This is great after the shower when your pores are most open.


doTERRA Lavender Essential Oil Blends Best With

1.) Clary sage essential oil: This is emotional balance in a bottle and is super beneficial for women. Combine with lavender for emotional stability during tough times in the month.


2.) Wild orange essential oil: This is happiness in a bottle! Adding lavender can be good for reducing stress and worry and might even put a smile on your face!


3.) Frankincense essential oil: This is cellular repair in a bottle! Lavender goes well with it since they both work to help with your mood and benefit you on a cellular level.


In Summary

doTERRA lavender essential oil is calming, regenerating, and soothing to the skin and mind. Lavender blends well with clary sage, wild orange, and frankincense. 


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
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Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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