How To Achieve The doTERRA Executive Rank

doterra executive rank

The doTERRA Executive rank is a great achievement and is definitely something that you should be proud of!

doterra executive rank


Did You Know?

The doTERRA Executive rank is a great accomplishment and shows that you are on your way to elite! Keep up the good work and don’t give up on your dreams and goals, there’s lots of people out there that need your help!


The Main Problem That We All Face

Do you know someone that is looking for part time or full time income? Would you like to earn as you learn when it comes to essential oils and other wellness products? Make sure to check out the video below to learn more!


How To Achieve The doTERRA Executive Rank

1.) A Director becomes an Executive when they purchase at least 100 PV and have an OV of 2000+. PV stands for point value and OV stands for organization volume.


2.) You want to make sure to maintain at least 100+ PV throughout the month in addition to your 100+ PV order to make sure you qualify for any new enrollments and the income that comes with that. This also allows you to be a product of the product better.


3.) Be patient. Anything worth doing takes time and every rank in doTERRA is definitely worth it’s weight in gold from a personal development standpoint!


3 Core Principles To Keep In Mind

1.) Teach and share: doTERRA is a product education company so you want to make sure you focus on understanding what people’s needs are and helping them when they are ready. Nobody like a “pushy” salesperson. Focus on service over sales.


2.) Work with people that move towards you: Not everyone will understand and appreciate what you have to offer. Move towards people that are open to natural solutions and open to learning more through a group or 1 on 1 essential oil class.


3.) Talk to the next person: When you feel like you are being ignored or feeling rejected based on someone’s response (or lack of response) then it’s best to talk to someone who will understand and appreciate what you’re offering. That doesn’t mean give up on that person, but it does mean moving on if you feel like you are starting to “chase” them.


In Summary

Another key to remember is that some will, some won’t, so what, someone’s’ waiting. Building a part time or full time business in doTERRA is all about understanding what your “why” is and not giving up no matter how difficult things get. There’s someone out there that is waiting for the natural solutions that you have to offer!


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
Lance's Free 4 Part Training Course Right Arrow


P.S. Email me at if you have trouble viewing this page or have any questions.


Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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