Top 4 Diffusers For Essential Oils


These diffusers for essential oils are an amazing way to spice up your home or office with vaporized wellness!



Did You Know?

The 4 main factors that you should consider when deciding on which diffuser to get is: Price, Warranty, Noise Level, and Air Saturation.


The Main Problem That We All Face

Do you know someone that is looking for a diffuser? Would you like to start with a new diffuser or replace an old one but don’t know where to start? Well this diffuser overview should get you pointed in the right direction!


Top 4 Diffusers For Essential Oils

1.) Nebulizing diffuser: Uses a jet or air blowing across a small tube to create a vacuum that pulls the oil at the bottom of the tube to the top of the tube


2.) Ultrasonic diffuser: Utilizes electric frequencies to cause a small disk under the surface of the water to vibrate at a very fast rate


3.) Evaporative diffuser: A fan blows air through a pad or filter that has essential oil on it. The air blowing through the pad causes the oils to evaporate more quickly than normal in the air


4.) Heat diffuser: Heat activated with essential oils on a pad or filter. Causes the essential oil to evaporate quicker than normal and disburse into the air.


These Diffusers Go Best With

1.) Serenity oil blend: This is great for calming and relaxing your mood after you’ve had a long or stressful day. It has a nice and sweet scent too!


2.) On Guard oil blend: This is the ultimate immunity booster and helps to protect you from environmental and airborne threats that are floating around trying to enter your body!


3.) Breathe oil blend: This is awesome for seasonal threats when other plants release their pollen into the air or when there’s just a lot of dust around you.


In Summary

Diffusers are a great way to clean the air around you and uplift your mood when you are feeling down. They are a natural option to synthetic smells and toxins that are put out by other consumer products and brands.


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
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Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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