Splendid 30-60-90 Day Wellness Plan


This 30-60-90 Day Wellness Plan is a great way to take your health to the next level and move towards a more proactive lifestyle!



Did You Know?

The best way to optimize this Wellness Plan is to write down what your top 3-5 health priorities are and create a wish list of oils, supplements, and products that will best support your health goals in a 30-60-90 day time frame. The key is to spread them out so you can get the most value for your money and get what you need at the same time.


The Main Problem That We All Face

Do you know someone that would like more of a wellness lifestyle with personalized support? Would you like to work with someone that you know, like, and trust for your health priorities? This Wellness Plan is a great place to start then!


Your 30-60-90 Day Wellness Plan

1.) Today: Finish watching this video and check out the links in the description above.


2.) Tomorrow: Sign up for my online essential oil course if you are new to essential oils or doTERRA and open to learning about natural solutions. Enroll with a kit when you’re ready.


3.) 1 Week (Month 1): Review the wellness consult in the online essential oil course that I have and schedule a Skype, Facetime, or Phone wellness consult with me so I can provide more personalized support.


4.) 30 Days (Month 2): Choose a ship date between the 5th and the 15th for your Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP) order and choose what oils and supplements will best support your energy, digestion, sleep, weight, immune system, muscle, joints, red blood cells, and brain. Any order of 125 point value (PV) and you receive a free product of the month ($10 in value) and a free Essential Oil Guide Book ($30 value).


5.) 60 Days (Month 3): Repeat the same process as the previous month based on what you need, what you are running out of, and what you want to replace in your kitchen cabinet, bathroom cabinet, cleaning cabinet, bedroom, and living room. Make sure to check and update your online cart 2-3 days before it ships out to ensure you get what you want.


6.) 90 Days (Month 4): Review what you got in Month 1, Month 2, & Month 3 to make sure you are getting exactly what you want and need for this month. It’s helpful to update your wishlist at least once before your order ships out.


7.) 120+ Days (Month 5+): Repeat the same process of Month 4 above.


The doTERRA Oil Blends Best With

1.) A Wishlist: Whether you write what you want down and put it on your fridge, write it in a calendar on your daily planner, or create a phone reminder, the key is to do something that helps you keep track of your Wellness Goals each month.


2.) Having a “Replacement” mentality: It’s important to remember that the oils, supplements, and products that you’ll be using to support your health are NOT additional costs. They are “Replacement” costs for all the toxic, synthetic, and artificial stuff in your home or office.


3.) Getting familiar with your Back Office: Check out my videos on how to place your LRP order and redeem the points you’ll accumulate to make sure you are maximizing your membership.


In Summary

This Wellness Plan is designed to set you up for success by empowering you to take care of yourself so you can take care of others. We don’t live in isolation and your health impacts more than just you so it’s important to maintain wellness through a proactive gameplan and not wait until something bad happens to react.


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
Lance's Free 4 Part Training Course Right Arrow


P.S. Email me at essentialoilsme@gmail.com if you have trouble viewing this page or have any questions.


Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



Lance McGowan Signature Pic 2










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