Red White And Deep Blue

Red White And Deep Blue

This Red White and Deep Blue post is really dedicated to all those in the military who sacrificed their lives so we could enjoy ours. There’s no better time than now to celebrate that and shouldn’t have to just rely on a holiday to thank all those who serve.

Red White And Deep Blue


In celebration of this fun filled day, I wanted to celebrate with a little Red, White, and Deep Blue! ??

Red: On Guard is great to use before you eat since it’s a great natural hand cleaner that is non toxic. I also like to use a drop of this oil with my On Guard toothpaste for extra flavor and whitening power.???

White: Purify is an awesome surface cleaner and can be combined with white vinegar in a glass spray bottle for surfaces that got too many food crumbs and spills. This oil also doubles as an ouchie and boo boo cleaner too!???

Deep Blue: When you are experiencing any tired muscles or joints from playing sports or experiencing any head tension from running around with the kids all day then this oil blend is a great solution! Just a couple drops and rub into back of neck or your area for best results!???

Let the fireworks begin!???


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
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Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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