doTERRA Vetiver Essential Oil Uses

doterra vetiver essential oil

doTERRA vetiver essential oil is steam distilled from the roots of the plant and has very relaxing properties along with a very earthy aroma.


doterra vetiver essential oil


Did You Know?

Vetiver has a heavy, smoky, and earthy fragrance reminiscent of patchouli with lemon like undertones. Vetiver has been valuable for relieving stress and helping people recover from emotional shock.


The Main Problem That We All Face

Do you know someone that would like a better night’s rest, more emotional balance, or needs to stay focused? Would you like an oil to reduce anxious feelings or sadness? Vetiver is a great natural solution for you!


Top 3 Uses Of Vetiver Essential Oil

1.) Take 1 drop vetiver and 1 drop lemon oil in veggie capsule before a long trip or family visits to shield body from outside threats. This is going to boost immunity for sure!


2.) Apply 1-2 drops with fractionated coconut oil and rub on bottoms of feet. This is a great way to support more body systems through your reflex points.


3.) Place 3-5 drops (you may have to wait a while, it comes out slow) in a 4 hour diffuser. I love doing this at night!


doTERRA Vetiver Essential Oil Blends Best With

1.) Lavender essential oil: Lavender is like liquid sleep in a bottle and when you combine vetiver, you can guarantee somebody’s going to be knocked out during bedtime!


2.) Sandalwood essential oil: Sandalwood has a woody aroma and pairs well with vetiver’s earthy aroma. It’s very relaxing and you’ll definitely be one with nature!


3.) Ylang ylang essential oil: Ylang ylang is amazing for hormonal balance, reducing anxious feelings, and oil skin. It combines well with vetiver in a diffuser or on the bottoms of your feet.


In Summary

doTERRA vetiver essential oil is regenerating, reassuring, and enduring. Vetiver oil blends well with lavender, sandalwood, and ylang ylang.


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
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Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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