How To Achieve The doTERRA Platinum Rank

doterra platinum rank

The doTERRA Platinum rank is a huge accomplishment and shows that you are well on your way to continued financial freedom and setting others free too!

doterra platinum rank


Did You Know?

The Platinum rank is the second leadership rank in doTERRA and is built upon the foundational ranks of Elite and Silver and sets you up for the Presidential Diamond ranks as well.


The Main Problem That We All Face

Do you know someone that is dissatisfied with their job or would like to diversify their income and help people? Would you like to improve your health and help others do the same? Make sure to watch the video below to learn how to do just that!


Top 3 Uses Of The doTERRA Oil Blend

1.) A Gold becomes a Platinum when they purchase at least 100 PV and have 3 legs of 9000+ OV each. PV stands for point value and OV stands for organizational volume or sales.


2.) You can also achieve this rank if you have 3 silvers in your organization even if they aren’t on your front line as long as you have enrollership of them.


3.) The main thing to do is become a product of the products and help your leaders become super users so that they can more easily share and enroll other wholesale customers and wellness advocates.


The doTERRA Oil Blends Best With

1.) Some will: Some people will understand and appreciate what you have to offer and will be open to becoming wholesale customers and wellness advocates.


2.) Some won’t: Some people will ignore, reject, or not see the value in what you’re offering, but you have to focus on the process and not the outcome.


3.) So what: The best thing to do is move towards the people that move towards you and talk to the next person when someone isn’t responding to you. This will make sure you keep your sanity and only help those who want to be helped.


4.) Someone’s waiting: The good news is that someone is waiting for what you have to offer and is ready to be set from from a health or financial perspective and it’s all about not giving up until you find enough of these people to add to your tribe!


In Summary

doTERRA is a product education based company and is focused on helping wholesale customers and wellness advocates improve their health with natural solutions. The more you can teach and share, the better you will be able to help others get from where they are to where they want to be with their health.


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
Lance's Free 4 Part Training Course Right Arrow


P.S. Email me at if you have trouble viewing this page or have any questions.


Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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