The doTERRA LRP is a great way to save a lot of money on essential oils and make sure that you are prepared for life’s little emergencies in the most proactive way possible.
The Top 3 Problems with other Reviews of Loyalty Rewards Programs
1.) They Are Non Existent
If a review is too hard to find or doesn’t answer your question (in part or in full) then that’s a problem. I’ve tried to be as comprehensive as possible in giving you the best information. If you have a question, that’s not answered, then feel free to let me know and I’ll add it in!
2.) They Are Outdated
If a review isn’t being updated at least once a year then it’s not keeping you up to date on all the changes that it has every year. Change is constant. Relevant resources…not so much.
3.) They Are Hard To Understand
I like reading blog posts with examples, pictures, and videos so I’ve provided the same for you in this blog post. 😉
My Early Struggles & Old Way of Thinking
I struggled with navigating my virtual back office early on and got frustrated with the lack of resources and knowing how to find the right support. I used to think that I had to learn the hard way and just “muscle through it.”
The Most Rewarding Solution Ever
- Now that you have your essential oil kit and are qualified for wholesale pricing, you can order more products by logging into your virtual office at anytime with your member ID and password.
There are two ways to order
1.) You can make a standard one time wholesale order anytime OR
2.) Set up a monthly Loyalty Rewards Order (LRP) also known as auto-ship
The Top 8 Most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about this Loyalty Rewards Program
1.) How do I get 30% back in free product credits?
a.) Buy in Months 1-3: Earn 10% of every point value
b.) Buy in Months 4-6: Earn 15% of every point value
c.) Buy in Months 7-9: Earn 20% of every point value
d.) Buy in Months 10-12: Earn 25% of every point value
e.) Buy in Months 13 and on: Earn 30% of every point value
Example: I’ve been with my essential oil company for 13+ months so when I buy the Vegan Supplement Pack at $79.50 wholesale, I earn 30% of its point value of 60 points. This equals 18 points that I can use on whatever I want in the future (e.g. I could use 16 of my 18 points to get a free grapefruit oil).
Mini Summary: I’m able to get 25% off retail price (i.e. wholesale price) + get 30% back in reward points = 55% off retail price.
2.) How do I start my Loyalty Rewards Program?
- Learn how to navigate your back office really quick with this instructional video above (Length: 1 Min 28 Sec).
3.) How do I create my Loyalty Rewards Points?
- To enroll, log into your account, Click on “Shop” tab, click on “Create NEW Loyalty Rewards Order” on the right hand side. Or watch this instruction video above (Length: 3 min 52 Sec).
4.) How do I redeem my Loyalty Rewards Points?
- In your virtual office shopping cart select “Use Points” on the products you would like to redeem with your Loyalty Rewards Points. Watch the video above to learn more (Length: 2 min 28 Sec).
4.) How do I change my Loyalty Rewards order?
- To change any of your order details, click on the “Shop” tab and then select “Edit.” Select “Edit” in the area you want to change. Or watch this instruction video above (5 mins 29 Sec).
5.) Can I have more than one LRP order?
- Yes. Follow the same process as “Step 2” above. You can get the Product of the Month (125 PV) only once, but you can get the quarterly specials as many times as you want (200 PV).
6.) How do I cancel my Loyalty Rewards order?
You can cancel your LRP order at anytime via phone, online chat, or email. The information is below.
dōTERRA Member Services Call Center
- Purpose: For order inquiries, commissions questions, and general support.
- Phone: 800-411-8151 (Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-8:00pm (MT), Saturday 9:00am -2:00pm (MT))
- Email:
- Live chat: Available as you shop online (Or this watch instructional video – 1 min 46 Sec)
The Good News: dōTERRA Customer Service will assist you to redeem any free product credits that you have earned so far.
The Bad News: When cancelling, you return to 10% rewards when you begin reordering through Loyalty Rewards Program in the future.
7.) How do I get 100% of my shipping reimbursed?
You get the amount you pay in shipping back in loyalty rewards points.
Example: I spend $3.99 in economy shipping each month and get back 4 points (applies to online orders only). I save these 4 points to get a free oil in the future.
8.) What are the minimum monthly order amounts to see the maximum amount of benefits?
a.) Buy more than 5 points worth of products each month to keep your current points. This is the bare minimum to see the least amount of benefits.
b.) Buy 50 points or more worth of products each month to increase in product credit %
- Bonus #1: Earn 10-30% back in reward points (1 point = $1.00) to use for future purchases
c.) Buy 100 points or more worth of products each month to receive income from commissions
- Bonus #2: Earn 20% for every person that you share with who makes a purchase. Earn monthly income as a reward for sharing with others. Plus Bonus #1.
d.) Buy 125 points or more worth of products each month to receive the free product of the month (orders placed on or before the 15th each month qualify). This is the best way to see the most benefits on a more consistent basis.
- Bonus #3: Plus Bonus #2
e.) Quarterly Specials: Buy 200 points or more worth of products during this special month to receive a free bonus gift. This has been a 15ml bottle of frankincense (over $70 value), 5ml bottle of deep blue oil and 4oz deep blue rub (over $60 value), and other items in the past.
- Bonus #4: Plus Bonus #3
9.) How do I update my credit card information?
The Top 8 Key Terms & Definitions (Q&A Format)
1.) What does “Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP)” mean?
- Definition: The loyalty rewards program is the company’s way of rewarding you for being a loyal customer. They reward you by giving you points based on each product’s worth which is redeemable for future products that you pick and choose. It’s the best way to maximize your membership starting with your 2nd month’s order and on.
- Example: I’ve used the loyalty rewards program to redeem over $250 in free oils, supplements, and consumer products just by being a loyal member since November 2013.
2.) What are “Loyalty Rewards Points (LRP)?”
- Definition: This is the amount of points that the company assigns to essential oils (e.g. Wild Orange), dietary supplements (e.g. Lifelong Vitality Pack Vegan) and consumer products (e.g. clear skin face wash). This is similar to the “Point Value” that I’ll discuss in more detail a little further below.
- 1st Example: a 15 mL bottle of Wild orange costs $14 retail, $10.50 wholesale, and earns 10.50 points.
- 2nd Example: The lifelong vitality pack vegan is only available wholesale at $79.50 and is worth 60 points. I like this supplement pack because it harnesses the power of plants (Plant Power). 😉
3.) What are “LRP Product Credits?”
- Definition: The amount of points that a kit is worth. It’s a credit based on the product value and goes up based on the kit you get and with time (more to come on that, keep reading).
4.) What is a “LRP Product Credit Percentage (%)?”
- Definition: This is the percent (%) range that you start off based on the kit you buy. This % amount directly feeds into the LRP Product Credits mentioned above. This % doesn’t just apply to first time kits though. This also applies to repeat orders of essential oils, supplements, and consumer products and goes up over time.
- In other words, the longer you’re with this essential oil company, the more free products you can get.
- 1st Example: I bought a Family Essentials kit in November 2013 so I earned 10% in points of every product that I bought for the first 3 months (e.g. I earned 1 point for buying a 10 point value lemon oil).
- 2nd Example: I then progressed from 10% to 15%, from 15% to 20%, and so on every 3 months. I currently earn 30% in points of everything I buy now. If you add the 25% discount that wholesale gets over retail, then I’m getting 55% in total savings and product credits.
Did You Know?
- If I buy a bottle of 15 mL bottle of peppermint at $20.50 wholesale, I get 6.15 points now instead of 2.05 points like I did in my first 3 months. This means that I am that much closer to getting a free oil in the future (just 14.35 more points and I can get a free peppermint oil!)
5.) What does “Product Value (PV) mean exactly?”
- Definition: The total number of points that essential oils, supplements, consumer products, and kits contain. This is based on the product mix of essential oils, supplements, and consumer products. This is a synonym of “Point Value.”
- Example: The Family Essentials kit has a 110 Product Value (or is worth 110 PV).
Did You Know?
Essential oils have some of the highest product values? This is because they are directly made by this company and their suppliers and can pass 100% of the value to you (I provide a contrast example below).
6.) What in the world is a “Point Value (PV)?”
- Definition: The total number of points that essential oils, supplements, consumer products, and kits contain. This is based on the product mix of essential oils, supplements, and consumer products. This is a synonym of “Product Value.”
- Example: The Natural Solutions kit has a 400 Point Value (or is worth 400 PV).
Did you know that some products have prices that aren’t the same as their point value?
- This is because this essential oils company partners with other companies who specialize in a particular manufacturing process (e.g. making dietary supplements) and use the essential oils in them.
- As a result, consumer products (e.g. diffusers, toothpaste, dietary supplements, etc.) get a lower point value since the company has to share the value with another company in order to get it to you and not lose money on the item.
- In other words, more hands in the cookie jar means less cookies for you, but you can still get a big cookie or two (in the form of reward points).
7.) What’s this I hear about “Personal Volume (PV)?”
- Definition: The total amount of product volume that a Wellness Advocate personally purchased in a given month. Product Value (or Point Value) are components of Personal Volume.
- Example: I try to keep my personal volume between 100 and 125 point value (PV) since it qualifies me to receive commissions and for the Free Product of the Month (which can range anywhere from $10 to $60+ in value). However, I do take advantage of the quarterly offerings when they offer a free frankincense, deep blue, or other oils for having a 200 point value order.
- More on Free Product of the month below…
8.) Are you saying I can get a “Free Product of the Month (POM)?”
- Definition: A free gift to any Wellness Advocate who purchases at least 125 worth of products in point value each month.
- Example: I got a free 15 mL lime oil one month ($13 wholesale value) because I bought over 125 points worth of essential oils products. On another month, I got a free 15 mL frankincense oil ($69.75 wholesale value) for buying more than 125 points worth of items (this is more rare, but it’s still possible).
- The company mixes the oils you get each month, but the value can be a pleasant surprise sometimes.
Special Bonus Offer:
- When you place a 2nd month order of 125 points or more with me as a wholesale member, I will send you a FREE Essentials Book
with FREE Shipping. This is a $35+ value, but I want to send it to you as a token of appreciation.
- This is the “Encyclopedia or Bible” of essential oils and has a tremendous amount of valuable information in it.
Final Thoughts
You are in control of your health. This Loyalty Rewards Program helps keep you and your family healthy and happy by addressing health priorities when you use essential oils daily.
Another great benefit is that you are able to keep your house clean, free of unfriendly micro-organisms, and feel empowered to take care of the needs of loved ones as issues arise and avoid big problems later down the road.
You have two amazing options at your fingertips…
1.) Wholesale Customer: Order and use essential oils at a 25-55% discount over retail (Learn more about essential oil kit options)
2.) Wellness Advocate: Same benefits as a Wholesale Customer, but you also can earn income, sign up Wholesale Customers and Wellness Advocates, and get a personalized website. (Learn more about essential oil kit options)
This Loyalty Rewards Program Offers You…
1.) Points on your shipping costs (i.e. $1.00 spent on shipping = 1 point in reward points)
2.) Points on the products you buy (e.g. I get 30% of the product value of anything I order)
3.) A Free Product of the Month (i.e. when you spend more than 125 in product points. Valued between $10 and $60+)
4.) Monthly deals and discounts (e.g. an additional 10% off essential oils, dietary supplements, or consumer products is offered)
5.) Special holiday offers (e.g. free 15ml bottle of frankincense in December for ordering more than 200 in product points!)
What’s Next For Me?
The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
P.S. Email me at if you have trouble viewing this page or have any questions.
Your Essential Oils Guide,