Do Essential Oils Really Work? | Comment Reaction šŸ˜®

do essential oils really work comment reaction

Do essential oils really work? I mean, come on, is it all hype or all help? Make sure to read and watch todays video to find out how I reacted to a interesting comment!

do essential oils really work comment reaction


Did You Know?

A child or baby whose identity is unknown may be referred to as ā€œBaby Doe,ā€ as in, even though Sherlock Holmes and that woman might not make the best couple, I bet they would make a cute baby doe! jk, lol The rest is a mystery. šŸ˜‰ #puns


The Main Problem That We All Face

A lot of skeptics believe that essential oils and their ā€œbenefitsā€ are all in your head. They would lead you to believe that they are just a placebo effect or self fulfilling prophesy. Make sure to watch the video below on the effectiveness of essential oils!


Hereā€™s What John Doe Had To Say

ā€œThe only true claims here are about emotional effects. Iā€™d recommend treating yourself to something you like over this first world hysteria. It will provide you with the same effect and help you not get involved into cults.


There are plenty of herbal remedies that have been effective for a long time that one can use. This essential oil nonsense is recommended by the same kind of people who used to sell radioactive compounds for health benefits back in the day (sales people).


Oh yeah, you better believe there were plenty of people saying it worked for them. When it comes to herbs you have to have trustworthy sources or first hand knowledge about what to collect, where, when, what part of the plant, how to store it, how to process it, how to store extracts, how long they are effective for, what the dosage is for bigger and smaller males, females and kids and finally proof that it works from unbiased witnesses who donā€™t have to pay for treatments and medical professionals.


How much of this information do people that get involved into this KNOW? Be honest with yourselves people! If you are not doing well talk to a doctor or several doctors, drink some water, get some fresh air, treat yourself and others nicely and it will do you more good than this nonsense ever will.ā€


My Reaction (Or Should I Say Response)

There are 3 main things I would do if I were John Doe:
1.) Visit PubMed and study all the 3rd party, fact based evidence on the effectiveness of essential oils. If you donā€™t believe they work, then hopefully the articles in there will help you out.


2.) Learn about essential oils from someone that you know, like, and trust. If thatā€™s not me then so be it. Try someone from another team, another company, or a retail brand. Maybe bald guys just arenā€™t your thing. :-/


3.) Try some oils for yourself and have an experience. Itā€™s one thing to talk about it, itā€™s another thing to be about it. Order the oils from my website, order them from another personā€™s website, go into Wholefoods, Sprouts, or Trader Joes and get you some! Read up on how to use them, dilute if you apply them topically and have at it!


In Summary

I appreciate all the comments I get from folks, I really do! All the criticism just serves as information from another personā€™s perspective. At the end of the day, if you are skeptical about the effectiveness of essential oils, the best thing you can do is get educated on how to use them properly based on the brand and buy you some so you can try them out. Donā€™t give up if it doesnā€™t work for you, try another one, there is some trial and error involved, they are not a magic wand.


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
Lance's Free 4 Part Training Course Right Arrow


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Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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