Why Young Living Essential Oils Got Fined $760,000 😱💵

young living essential oils

Young Living essential oils claims to be the world’s leader in essential oils from a quality and sourcing standpoint, however did what happened with the U.S. Department of Justice affect that?

young living essential oils


Did You Know?

Young Living admitted in their press release that they did not live up to their own standards when it comes to sourcing and being a responsible steward of the earth’s resources. The $760,000 fine that they had to pay was evidence of the seriousness of this issue.


The Main Problem That We All Face

Do you know someone that loves or hates Young Living or doTERRA essential oils? Would you like to learn more about why Young Living was fined so much money? Make sure to watch the video below to get all the facts.


Top 3 Reasons Why Young Living Essential Oils Got Fined $760,000

1.) Reason 1: Several Young Living company employees and contractors harvested, transported, and distilled rosewood in Peru between June 2010 to October 2014 without proper authorization.


2.) Reason 2: Young Living also exported spikenard oil that was harvested in Nepal and delivered to the United Kingdom without a CITES permit in December 2015.


3.) Reason 3: Young Living did not have a checks and balances program at the time to ensure that they were responsibly sourcing rosewood and spikenard oil in a legal fashion.


This Video Goes Best With

1.) My videos on doTERRA VS Young Living: These cover everything from quality, farming practices, kits, and other topics so you can make an informed decision when it comes to voting with your wallet or purse.


2.) My videos on the Young Living VS doTERRA Lawsuit: This covers fact based information on what occurred during the trial and how doTERRA was ultimately found not guilty due to a lack of fact based evidence on Young Living’s part.


3.) Future Young Living Videos: Stay tuned for more Young Living videos to make sure you stay up to date on how the company is either supporting or violating your values from a prospective customer, current customer, or business builder standpoint.


In Summary

Young Living got fined $760,000 for sourcing rosewood and spikenard oils illegally. Although they voluntarily admitted wrongdoing and now have a compliance plan in place, it still doesn’t change what happened in the past and it draws into question what other things haven’t reached the surface yet.


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
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P.S. Email me at essentialoilsme@gmail.com if you have trouble viewing this page or have any questions.


Your Essential Oils Guide,

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