Superb Essential Oil Products I Used At Convention – Vlog Recap (Part 6)

essential oil products

There are many essential oil products out there but the ones I used during convention 2017 really helped me get through the days by increasing my alertness and focus!

essential oil products


Did You Know?

We used a lot a of essential oils in the drinks and foods that we ate during convention and shared a lot of experiences too at that awesome team picnic!


The Main Problem That We All Face

Do you know someone that would like to learn more about essential oils? Would you like to learn what products could help you with your energy, digestion, sleep, or immune function? Make sure to watch all the of the video below to get all the details!


Top 3 Essential Oil Products I Used At Convention

1.) Peppermint Avocado Ice Cream: This was just one of the amazing desserts that we had that night and it had some peppermint essential oil in there too!


2.) Wild Orange Essential Oil: I used this before I ate at the picnic to clean my hands of any unwanted micro-organisms and to uplift my mood at the same time! It also goes good with a green smoothie and the plant based protein powder that I use!


3.) Whole Food Supplements: This is just one of the supplements that I took during convention and actually ran out day 5 because I received my order at home while I was at convention! Talk about a first world problem!


The doTERRA Oil Blends Best With

1.) My other vlogs! I provide more of a recap of what happened at convention and all the fun and juicy details of my essential oil adventure with my team!


2.) My videos on how to support your body if you are pre, per, or postmenopausal. This video series will dive into the procedures that many moms go through to get their dream body, but it’s not without risks and natural alternatives though!


3.) My videos on why network marketing is not perfect it’s just better. I cover how you don’t have to worry about glass ceilings, layoffs, and can work from the comfort of your own home or while traveling too if you are looking for part time or full time work outside of what you are doing now.


In Summary

There’s a lot of products that I used during convention that you didn’t get to see at convention because they were used off camera or were in the foods and drinks we consumed, but I assure you they were there in full effect!


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
Lance's Free 4 Part Training Course Right Arrow


P.S. Email me at if you have trouble viewing this page or have any questions.


Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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