Top 6 doTERRA VS Young Living Ranks

doterra vs young living ranks

The doTERRA VS Young Living ranks are a great way to see what it takes to become financially free and help a lot of people with their health and wellness.

doterra vs young living ranks


Did You Know?

The top 6 ranks in each company are called leadership ranks because they require a level of skill that goes beyond “selling oils” and is more about training your trainers for success in their business. 


The Main Problem That We All Face

Do you know someone that would like to learn more about the ranks within each company? Would you like to learn how much volume is necessary for the top 6 leadership ranks? Make sure to watch the video below to get your learn on!


Top 6 doTERRA Ranks

1.) Silver: This rank can be achieved with 3 Elites who have 3K or more in volume each with a total volume of 9K or more.


2.) Gold: This rank can be hit with 3 Premiers who have 5K or more in volume each (2 legs with 2K or more and 1 leg with 1K or more) with a total volume of 15K or more.


3.) Platinum: This is when you have 3 Silvers who each have at least 9K or more in volume each with a total volume of 27K or more.


4.) Diamond: You can achieve this rank with 4 Silvers who each have at least 9K or more in volume each with a total volume of 36K or more.


5.) Blue Diamond: This rank is earned when you have 5 Golds who each have at least 15K in volume each and your total volume is 75K or more.


6.) Presidential Diamond: This is the highest rank in doTERRA and can be achieved with 6 Platinums on your team with each of them having a total volume of 27K or more with a total volume of 162K or more.


*Requires less organizational volume than other company to hit rank (i.e. little easier, but still based on performance and results)


****doTERRA Source


Top 6 Young Living Ranks

1.) Silver: This rank can be hit with 2 legs of 4K in volume and another leg of 1K with a total volume of 10K or more.


2.) Gold: You can achieve this rank with 3 legs of 6K in volume with 1K in another leg and a total volume of 35K or more.


3.) Platinum: You hit this rank with 4 legs of 8K and another leg of 1K of volume or more with a total volume of 100K or more.


4.) Diamond: This rank is achieved with 5 legs of 15K and another leg of 1K or more with a total volume of 250K or more.


5.) Crown Diamond: You can achieve this rank with 6 legs of 20K and another leg of 1K or more with a total volume of 750K or more.


6.) Royal Crown Diamond: This is the highest rank in Young Living and can be achieved with 6 legs of 35K and with another leg of 1K or more with a total volume of 1.5 Million or more.


**In non qualifying leg


***Young Living Source


In Summary

The doTERRA vs Young Living ranks are similar with the rank names, but it takes more volume to hit the corresponding ranks in Young Living. The best way to look at the income you earn should be based on the number of people you help and the value that you offer for helping people improve their health. 


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The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
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Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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