Terrific doTERRA VS Young Living Farms Overview

doterra vs young living farms

The doTERRA VS Young Living farms comparison shows you where the oils come from exactly and how many are owned and partnered with. 

doterra vs young living farms


Did You Know?

doTERRA and Young Living utilize farms all over the world to source their oils from and vary in their percentage of corporately owned farms and partner farms. 


The Main Problem That We All Face

Do you know someone that is open to learning more about the doTERRA and Young Living farms? Would you like to learn about the sourcing of where all these oils come from? Make sure to watch the video below to learn more!


Top 3 Facts About The doTERRA Farms

1.) Corporately Owned Farms: Zero. doTERRA doesn’t own any of their farms, but focuses on partnering with communities to improve their quality of life in exchange for the oils.


2.) Partner Farms: doTERRA partners with 40+ countries all over the world to keep up with the ever growing demand and to make sure there’s a future pipeline of product for wholesale customers and wellness advocates.


3.) Focus: Reduce poverty in other countries & source 100% indigenously. The ideal chemical constituent profile has to do with the elevation of where it’s grown, soil quality, rainfall, sunlight, the absence of pesticide and herbicide use, as well as many other factors.


*Visit the doTERRA Co-Impact Sourcing Website

**Visit the Source To You Website

***Verify Your Oil Quality With GCMS Testing


Top 3 Facts About The Young Living Farms

1.) Corporately Owned Farms:
– British Columbia, Canada
– St. Maries, Idaho
– Simiane-la-Rotonde, France
– Guayaquil, Ecuador
– Highland Flats, Idaho
– Mona, Utah
– Salalah, Oman


2.) Partner Farms: Yes, Young Living partners with farms all over the world to ensure demand is met with the proper amount of supply.


3.) Certified Seed To Seal Suppliers: Yes, whatever farms aren’t Corporately owned or being partnered with, Young Living certifies them to meet their quality standards from a growing standpoint.


4.) Focus: Ownership of parts of the oil supply chain & and sourcing oils from other farms to fill in the gaps. You can see the full list of all the farms and oils that Young Living has with the websites below.


*Visit the Seed To Seal Global Farms Map

**Visit the Young Living Global Farms Website


In Summary

doTERRA has the Source To You website to verify the quality of the oils you’re receiving. This is important because it gives you a guarantee that what is being said with the CPTG is actually being done. Young Living shows all their farms on the Seed To Seal Website so you can see exactly where their oils come from.  


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P.S. Email me at essentialoilsme@gmail.com if you have trouble viewing this page or have any questions.


Your Essential Oils Guide,

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