Wonderful doTERRA VS It Works Essential Oils Overview

doterra vs it works essential oils

This doTERRA VS It Works essential oils video will touch on what make each company unique and similar at the same time! How ’bout that!

doterra vs it works essential oils


Did You Know?

It Works is a network marketing company that has that “Crazy wrap thing” and you’ve probably seen some before and after pictures on instagram, facebook, or youtube as well. Well they have jumped into the essential oil arena too!


The Main Problem That We All Face

Do you know someone that is for or against doTERRA or It Works essential oils? Would you like to get the facts on what makes each company standout in a good or bad way when it comes to their oil products? Check out the video below to get more insight then!


Top 6 doTERRA VS It Works Factors To Consider

1.) Service: Free Education AND Personalized Support
doTERRA provides a lot of information on their website and go with someone that you know, like, and trust will ensure you get the best overall experience.


It Works does not have an essential oil detailed overview, just basic information on their shop page, which is not https secured either at the time of this video.



2.) Quality: 3rd Party Tested for Purity AND Safety
doTERRA quality standards ensure that the oils you get are free of contaminants, fillers, pesticides, or alcohol solvents. The CPTG standard allows you to have the same results each and every time so you get the most bang for your buck.


It Works doesn’t have any information on their essential oil page with regards to the types of testing that they do and the purity and safety of their oils at this time.



3.) Quality: Essential Oils Approved for Internal Use
doTERRA’s oils are approved for internal use by the GRAS standard and if they have the supplement facts label on them.


It Works does not have internal use approved for their oils at this time, especially for common ones like lemon, lavender, and tea tree. If you see someone trying them internally, then make sure to warn them!



4.) Quality: Verifiable Batch Number on Bottle
doTERRA offers this service for free when you go to sourcetoyou.com and type in the number of the bottom of your bottle to look at the GCMS testing results.


It Works does not offer this service on their website at this time which doesn’t put you in the know from a verification of quality standpoint.



5.) Price: Retail AND Wholesale Options Available
Since doTERRA and It Works have a referral, word of mouth, or person to person business model, both companies will offer you something similar to this.


Unfortunately, it is not clear on the It Works website unless you have enroller number, unlike doTERRA which gives you more information up front (not to mention the It Works Lemon oil is about twice as much as doTERRA’s!)



6.) Price: Loyalty Rewards Program Available
Yes, this is offered with doTERRA and you can save 25-55% off your oils. However, this is not clear on the It Works website unless you have enroller number, but options are available based on business model


In Summary

It Works is more of a “wraps” company and not an essential oil company. For this reason, it’s perfectly fine to outsource your essential oil experience to a higher quality company knowing that one network marketing company won’t have everything you’re looking for all the time.


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
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P.S. Email me at essentialoilsme@gmail.com if you have trouble viewing this page or have any questions.


Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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