Roll On Relief With doTERRA Deep Blue Touch


The doTERRA Deep Blue Touch is an easy to use and convenient way to support your muscles and joints after a workout or after a long day of stress.



Did You Know?

You can experience the soothing benefits of the Deep Blue oil blend in this easy to use roll on bottle that is perfect for children and adults.


The Main Problem That We All Face

Do you know someone that gets tight or achy muscles throughout the day or after working out? Would you like a natural solution for your joints that helps to soothe and discomfort? This Deep Blue Roller bottle is the answer!


How To Use The doTERRA Deep Blue Touch

1.) Massage a couple swipes onto growing kids’ legs before bedtime. This helps them to settle down.


2.) Apply on knees, back of neck, shoulders, or lower back before and after working out. This is especially helpful after doing weight training, running, crossfit, or ther exercises.


The doTERRA Deep Blue Touch Goes Best With

1.) doTERRA Frankincense Touch: This is a great companion oil that helps with the mind and mood and gives your muscles and joints extra support.


2.) doTERRA Deep Blue Rub: This is an amazing lotion that enhances the benefits of the Deep Blue Touch. They both are a diluted form of the oil but can be still used in combination of each other for additional benefits.


3.) doTERRA Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex: This is going to help you address any muscle or joint discomfort from the inside out. It’s in the form of a easy to swallow capsule that you can take to help your body on a cellular level.


In Summary

The doTERRA Deep Blue Touch is a convenient way to get the muscle and joint relief you’re looking for. This amazing blend contains fractionated coconut oil along with wintergreen, camphor, peppermint, ylang ylang, helichrysum, blue chamomile, and osmanthus essential oils. 


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
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Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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