Amazing doTERRA Blue Tansy Essential Oil Benefits

doterra blue tansy essential oil

The doTERRA Blue Tansy essential oil has many health benefits and has also been nicknamed the “Smurf” oil for some strange reason, lol…

doterra blue tansy essential oil


Did You Know?

Blue tansy essential oil is also known as Moroccan Tansy, and is an annual yellow flowered Mediterranean plant found in northern Morocco. Talk about a cool color switch!


The Main Problem That We All Face

Do you know someone that would like to have a more youthful appearance? Would you like to uplift your mood and feel better? Make sure to watch the video below to learn more!


Top 3 Uses Of The doTERRA Blue Tansy Essential Oil

1.) Blue tansy helps reduce the appearance of blemishes and skin imperfections.


2.) Use blue tansy aromatically to uplift your mood by adding 3-5 drops to a 4 hour diffuser.


3.) Blue tansy provides a nice soothing sensation when you apply it topically to your skin.


The Blue Tansy Oil Goes Best With

1.) doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil: This will help with the absorption of the essential oil and spread out the concentration of all the “blue” you will get from this oil.


2.) doTERRA Cleanser: This is a good way to clean your face of impurities in the morning and night time. Since you will wash this off, it helps the essential oil to add it’s skin benefits and then be washed away.


3.) doTERRA Lotion: This will help moisturize your skin and provide additional benefits. Combine with zinc oxide for protection from the sun’s rays.

In Summary

Keep in mind that Blue tansy (as the name suggests) can turn your skin “blue” temporarily so putting the lotion/FCO and oil on the neck below would be a good idea if going out in public. Otherwise, using this oil aromatically or topically at night would be a couple other best practices.


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
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Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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