Wonderful Aluminum Free Deodorant Recipe


This aluminum free deodorant is simple and easy to make and lasts a really long time too!



Did You Know?

Aluminium is toxic for your brain and is included in most of the deodorants out there on store shelves. On top of that, a lot of other hidden toxins are used in personal hygiene products such as “fragrance,” artificial colorings, propylene glycol, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), and alcohol.


The Main Problem That We All Face

Do you know someone that has stinky underarms? Would you like a natural deodorant solution that reduces the odor and doesn’t have any hidden toxins? Well this DIY recipe is just for you then!


Top 7 Ingredients Of This Deodorant Recipe

1.) 1/4 cup baking soda: This helps to balance the pH under your arms and take care of any unfriendly micro-organisms.


2.) 1/2 cup arrow root powder: This is similar to corn starch but is GMO free and helps with the texture and body of the deodorant.


3.) 1/2 cup organic and raw coconut oil: This serves as a carrier oil, moisturizer, and helps the deodorant to cover more surface area.


4.) 1/2 cup shea butter: This helps with improving your skin health and also helps the deodorant to have a more firm texture (especially above 76 degrees).


5.) 10 drops Citrus Bliss oil blend (or Serenity): This is great for uplifting your mood and smells just like an orange creamsicle!


6.) 16+oz wide mouth container with BPA free lid: This will allow for easy storage and easy access when you need to apply this in the morning or after swimming/sweating outside.


7.) Large mixing bowl, cake mixer, or high powered blender: The more automated the better, but you also have more control if you mix things manually. Just make sure one consistent texture is achieved to make sure you have a more positive application experience.


How To Make This Deodorant The Easiest

1.) Combine all the ingredients in a high powered blender (or large mixing bowl if you want a slight arm workout)


2.) Blend for 30 seconds or until one texture is formed


3.) Pour into a wide mouth glass container with a lid


4.) Apply pea sized amount under each arm (or other sweaty areas as needed).


Note: Remember less is more when applying this, don’t cake it on, just apply a thin, light layer.


In Summary

This deodorant recipe doesn’t prevent sweating but it balances the pH and reduces the odor under your arms which is good since it’s important that your arm pits get to breathe. This batch also lasts about 9 months and costs about $9 to make making it super economical!


What Are My Next Steps?

The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE 4 part essential oil class online so you can learn more about natural solutions TODAY!
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P.S. Email me at essentialoilsme@gmail.com if you have trouble viewing this page or have any questions.


Your Essential Oils Guide,

Lance McGowan Signature Bold



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